Sunday, October 16, 2005

morning crane

the morning crane is reading today’s sutra
a classic of course but it came on the last breeze
Brahman’s this one
– you can read all about it
just get a hold of the latest lotus leaf


first thing
the birds and their sutras
sky they rhyme with realms below

see the lonely moon mouth open
tells all in the star bright heart

dreams of nothing can’t be broken

better to fly and to fly
better to build a nest in the blue

what can compete with the colour of roses?

no green of mountain
no heavenly blue
can ever compete with the blush of the roses

gods there are everywhere colouring day
each to its distance

drunk red of the rose
calls for companions

the poet’s work
is to call all to cups
so that we might hear
what a rose has to say

the Zhi Zhu tree at Zheng’s place

red star in a blue sky falling

some trees cannot be reached by hands

see here lonely shadows dancing

fire bursts over our heads

petals on a green stem burn

in praise of one particular pine

some poems are too sad to praise
some trees for words too high

not even Confucius competes with this pine
heart so tall, so many splendours

holds the huge hand of the river
splits the mountain
beats back wind and rain

how can I let this dao in my heart
all of it’s slipping away

there’s honour in loving what’s gone unsaid
the unseen in the everyday

fairies are weak, dragons
are misty waves in the mountain

fame and worth are flimsy illusions
see how this giant carpets my way

then let us merely judge by height
how can this soul have no name?

a rack of vines beside the well

brick wall of the well
locks away silver water

high leaves make a trellis
of cloud for the sky

once a god shook out her painted umbrella
that’s how the islands and creatures all fell

shadows are scattered, a breeze coos to tell
where the moon at a thousand points touches

fruit falls to ready hands here –
delightful to the nose as well

drink liquor from a flower cup
and live as long as heaven

at a temple in the mountains
haunted with a hero’s ghost

green grass runs through the old grey temple
like hands through an old man’s hair
it’s grime keeps shutters from rattling here

in the darkest night, all stars extinguished
who comes to face off with the thunder?
whose sword against lightning strikes?

below the temple far in the valley
regrets were long since shed

down where the salt flood
fell from this brow
still the river runs away

listening to the zither

sa sa the wind blows
fine rain falls
fan fan the oak leaves rustle

the moon falls into mountains west
just three stars to this sky

someone is tuning by the river
an ear in the forest am I

I light a candle to scratch
at my rough desk

but starlight and a tune
entice me

stand still and the tracks
of my shoes grow deep

now the clear spring runs in the garden
now the breeze through my shirt

all night my unknown neighbour plays
all night I bend my ear

planting trees in Spring

wait for Spring to plant out seedlings
Spring is brief – don’t wait too long

see the flowers morning, evening
parting’s sorrow taints their song

I myself with heart so withered
go on planting into dusk

worry over life’s green details
though now myself an empty husk

thanks for the fire
(a note to my neighbour)

white house in green mountains
where the kind man lives

he gives me two dark
ingots of charcoal

better than rice and
better than silver

warmth of the fire
this charcoal gives

straightens the body
peels off the cold

sunrise and sunset
spring, summer bold

better than rice and
better than silver

warmth of the fire
this charcoal gives

I rest the night at a Daoist temple

moving, one finds the day is short
sitting still, too long

I pity myself in the guise of a traveller
lodge at an empty hall

see how my one candle holds off the morning
shutters won’t let sunshine through

ten thousand things outside in the day
cassias in this cave of dust

shall we light these leaves in your censer
what beautiful incense they’ll make

then rats will be still
and the light will pour home

tomorrow on alone I go
the sad track in my guts


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